
double gear pump|flow divider hydraulic welcome toWuxi East Hydraulic

double gear pump|flow divider hydraulic welcome toWuxi East Hydraulic

价格: 电议 元
卖家: 邵星

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电 话:0510-80261210
传 真:0510-80261210
邮 箱:wxdfyy1@163.com
地 址:无锡市锡北私营经济园D区8号(锡澄路)

以上为double gear pump|flow divider hydraulic welcome toWuxi East Hydraulic详细参数信息,double gear pump|flow divider hydraulic welcome toWuxi East Hydraulic图片由无锡市东方液压件制造有限公司提供,double gear pump|flow divider hydraulic welcome toWuxi East Hydraulic
  • 产品特性
double gear pump|flow divider hydraulic welcome toWuxi East Hydraulic 9. double gear pump 商品名称:high-low gear pump 商品型号:CBMSL1 关键词: 产品描述:The high low hydraulic gear pump is the very ideal pump for applications which equire a quick approach and or return of the actuator at low loads and slow motion of the actuator at high loads. In particular this model offers the advantage of requiring lower power of the motor. High low hydraulic gare pump is a special double stage pump with special integrated valves has been specially designed for applications such as trash compactors, log splitters, clamping mechanisms, crimping machine,meal forming machines etc. phone:0510-80261210 fax:0510-80261210 telephone:13921178198