以上为弹簧床芯开包机 专业生产沙发机械、家纺机械及玩具机械、海棉加工设备 联系人:刁小姐 联系电话:13691610662详细参数信息,弹簧床芯开包机 专业生产沙发机械、家纺机械及玩具机械、海棉加工设备 联系人:刁小姐 联系电话:13691610662图片由深圳众力达机械有限公司提供,弹簧床芯开包机 专业生产沙发机械、家纺机械及玩具机械、海棉加工设备 联系人:刁小姐 联系电话:13691610662
- 产品特性
碎布机The whole line adpots the computerized controlling system,can fulfill fiber carding,fiber rolling,automatic filling into pillow and cushions.Suitable for pillow & cushion’s filling it is easy to adjust the fiber filling weight after rolling filling,the pillow and cushsions will be incredibly even.The filling effect is superior than filling machine is.The fiber carding machine equipped with metal detecotor and overload devices,can prolong the machine’s life-span.